
import { Stepper } from '@megafon/ui-shared';
Примеры и код
Свойства и методы
Демо данные
export const items = [
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
export const itemsOnlyTitle = [
title: 'Title text must be here',
title: 'Title text must be here',
title: 'Title text must be here',
title: 'Title text must be here',
title: 'Title text must be here',
export const itemsOnlyText = [
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
export const itemsWithIcon = [
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
icon: <CallIcon />,
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
icon: <EsimIcon />,
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
icon: <LightningIcon />,
export const itemsWithTitleText = [
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
export const itemsManySteps = [
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',
title: 'Title text must be here',
text: 'Description text must be short and easy to understand',
linkText: 'Подробнее',
linkUrl: '/components/stepper/',

Базовое использование

  <Stepper stepCount={5} activeStep={2} />

Цифры вместо галочек

  <Stepper stepCount={5} activeStep={2} isNumeric />

С заголовком, текстом и ссылкой

  <Stepper activeStep={1} items={items} />

Только заголовок

  <Stepper activeStep={2} items={itemsOnlyTitle} />

Только текст

  <Stepper activeStep={2} items={itemsOnlyText} />

С вертикальной ориентацией

  <Stepper activeStep={1} isHorizontal={false} items={items} />

С иконками

  <Stepper stepCount={5} activeStep={1} items={itemsWithIcon} />

Все шаги пройдены

  <Stepper isAllChecked items={itemsWithTitleText} />

По левому краю

  <Stepper align='left' activeStep={1} items={items} />

Большое количество и заблокировано переключение шагов

  <Stepper activeStep={2} isDisabled items={itemsManySteps} />
Prop nameTypeDefaultDescription
classNamestringДополнительный класс корневого элемента
classes{ root?: string; item?: string; itemIconButton?: string; itemTitle?: string; itemText?: string; itemLink?: string; }Дополнительные классы элементов
rootRefRef<HTMLDivElement>Ссылка на корневой элемент
activeStepnumber0Индекс активного шага
stepCountnumber2Количество шагов
isNumericbooleanЦифры вместо галочек
isDisabledbooleanОтключение кнопок
isAllCheckedbooleanВсе шаги пройдены
align"center" | "left"centerВыравнивание
dataAttrs{ root?: Record<string, string>; item?: Record<string, string>; itemIconButton?: Record<string, string>; itemTitle?: Record<string, string>; itemText?: Record<...>; itemLink?: Record<...>; }Дополнительные data атрибуты к внутренним элементам
onChange(index: number) => void() => nullОбработчик события смены шага