import { Button } from '@megafon/ui-core';
<Button>active</Button> <Button disabled>disabled</Button> <Button showLoader>with loader</Button> <Button showArrow>with arrow</Button> <Button icon={<Balance24 />}>with icon</Button> <div> <Button icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button theme="green-soft">active</Button> <Button theme="green-soft" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button theme="green-soft" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button theme="green-soft" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button theme="green-soft" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button theme="green-soft" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button theme="purple">active</Button> <Button theme="purple" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button theme="purple" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button theme="purple" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button theme="purple" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button theme="purple" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button theme="purple-soft">active</Button> <Button theme="purple-soft" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button theme="purple-soft" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button theme="purple-soft" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button theme="purple-soft" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button theme="purple-soft" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button theme="white">active</Button> <Button theme="white" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button theme="white" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button theme="white" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button theme="white" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button theme="white" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button type="outline">active</Button> <Button type="outline" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button type="outline" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button type="outline" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button type="outline" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button type="outline" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button type="outline" theme="purple"> active </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="purple" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="purple" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="purple" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="purple" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button type="outline" theme="purple" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button type="outline" theme="white"> active </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="white" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="white" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="white" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="white" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button type="outline" theme="white" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button type="outline" theme="black"> active </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="black" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="black" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="black" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button type="outline" theme="black" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button type="outline" theme="black" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button theme="green" type="text"> active </Button> <Button theme="green" type="text" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button theme="green" type="text" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button theme="green" type="text" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button theme="green" type="text" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button theme="green" type="text" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button theme="purple" type="text"> active </Button> <Button theme="purple" type="text" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button theme="purple" type="text" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button theme="purple" type="text" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button theme="purple" type="text" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button theme="purple" type="text" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button type="text" theme="white"> active </Button> <Button type="text" theme="white" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button type="text" theme="white" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button type="text" theme="white" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button type="text" theme="white" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button type="text" theme="white" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button type="text" theme="black"> active </Button> <Button type="text" theme="black" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button type="text" theme="black" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button type="text" theme="black" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button type="text" theme="black" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button type="text" theme="black" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button type="text" theme="danger"> active </Button> <Button type="text" theme="danger" disabled> disabled </Button> <Button type="text" theme="danger" showLoader> with loader </Button> <Button type="text" theme="danger" showArrow> with arrow </Button> <Button type="text" theme="danger" icon={<Balance24 />}> with icon </Button> <div> <Button type="text" theme="danger" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
Все размеры содержимого кнопки зависят от размера самой кнопки.
<Button sizeAll="extra-small"> Extra small </Button> <Button sizeAll="small"> Small </Button> <Button sizeAll="medium"> Medium </Button> <Button sizeAll="large"> Large </Button> <Button sizeWide="large" sizeDesktop="medium" sizeTablet="small" sizeMobile="extra-small"> Adaptive </Button>
<Button sizeAll="extra-small" showArrow> Extra small </Button> <Button sizeAll="small" showArrow> Small </Button> <Button sizeAll="medium" showArrow> Medium </Button> <Button sizeAll="large" showArrow>Large</Button>
<Button sizeAll="extra-small" icon={<Balance16 />}> Extra small </Button> <Button sizeAll="small" icon={<Balance24 />}> Small </Button> <Button sizeAll="medium" icon={<Balance24 />}> Medium </Button> <Button sizeAll="large" icon={<Balance24 />}> Large </Button>
<div> <Button sizeAll="extra-small" icon={<Balance16 />} /> </div> <div> <Button sizeAll="small" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div> <div> <Button sizeAll="medium" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div> <div> <Button sizeAll="large" icon={<Balance24 />} /> </div>
<Button sizeAll="extra-small" showLoader> Extra small </Button> <Button sizeAll="small" showLoader> Small </Button> <Button sizeAll="medium" showLoader> Medium </Button> <Button sizeAll="large" showLoader> Large </Button>
<Button fullWidth>Full Width Button</Button>
<Button fullWidthMobile>Full Width Mobile Button</Button>
Преобразование окончания текста в многоточие будет видно при ресайзе
<Button ellipsis>Long button text</Button>
<Button href="#">Link</Button> <Button href="#" disabled> Disabled Link </Button> <Button href="#" target="_blank"> Target Link </Button> <Button href="#" download> Download Link </Button>
Prop name | Type | Default | Description |
className | string | string[] | Дополнительный класс корневого элемента | |
classes | { root?: string; content?: string; inner?: string; } | Дополнительные классы для внутренних элементов | |
dataAttrs | { root?: Record<string, string>; content?: Record<string, string>; inner?: Record<string, string>; loader?: Record<string, string>; text?: Record<string, string>; arrow?: Record<...>; } | Дополнительные data атрибуты к внутренним элементам | |
theme | ButtonThemesType | green | Тема компонента |
type | ButtonTypesType | primary | Тип компонента |
href | string | Ссылка | |
download | boolean | Задает атрибут download для тега <a> | |
target | "_self" | "_blank" | "_parent" | "_top" | Target - свойство тега <a> | |
rel | string | Rel - атрибут тега <a> | |
actionType | "button" | "reset" | "submit" | button | Поведение кнопки |
sizeAll | ButtonSizesType | medium | Размер на всех разрешениях экрана |
sizeWide | ButtonSizesType | Размер на разрешении экрана 1280+ | |
sizeDesktop | ButtonSizesType | Размер на разрешении экрана 1024+ | |
sizeTablet | ButtonSizesType | Размер на разрешении экрана 768-1023 | |
sizeMobile | ButtonSizesType | Размер на разрешении экрана 0-767 | |
fullWidth | boolean | false | Растянуть на полную ширину контейнера |
fullWidthMobile | boolean | false | Растянуть на полную ширину контейнера на разрешении экрана 0-767 |
showLoader | boolean | false | Показать загрузку |
showArrow | boolean | false | Показать стелку |
icon | Element | Иконка | |
disabled | boolean | Отключение кнопки | |
buttonRef | Ref<HTMLButtonElement | HTMLAnchorElement> | Ссылка на элемент | |
ellipsis | boolean | false | Обрезать текст при недостаточной ширине и добавлять многоточие |
onClick | (e: SyntheticEvent<EventTarget, Event>) => void | Обработчик клика по кнопке |